Friday, 12 March 2021

Fifth Week of Teaching

 The fifth week of teaching practise was for completing peer teaching. I had three pending classes and after citizenship training camp, I conducted peer teaching class on 8/3/2021 to 12/3/202021.

    The 12th class was  on 8/3/2021.The content was 'Excretion in plants'.8 th biology text book and chart were used for teaching.

           The 13th class was on same day (11/3/2021). The content was ' Excretory Organs'. I was able to taught the content very well by using teaching aids.

The 14 th class was on 9/3/2021. The content was ' Reaping diversity'. The concept was taught in ICT model. And last class was on 12/3/ 2021 The content was 'Pests and their natural enemies'.chart and activity card used for teaching.  During this week, I completed the unit ' 'Through the alimentary canal'.  so my peer teaching classes were completed on 12thMarch 2021.

Thursday, 4 March 2021

Weekly reflection 4th week

 The fourth week was on 1/3/2021 to 5/3/2021.

On 1/3/2021 the topic taken was Parasitism from standard 7. The class was taught using pictures and chart.

On 2/3/2021 the topic taught was 'Food in humans' was taught using pictures, chart and textbook.

On 3/3/2021 the topic taught was ' Milk and types of teeth' and one more topic Aswad ' The journey of food' using pictures.

On 4/3/2021 the topic taken was ' Digestive system' using the aids chart, textbook.

On 5/3/2021 two topics were taken ' Nutrition in amoena' and 'Expelling waste' using chart and textbook.